Wall Organizer Tutorial

Wall Organizer Tutorial

Wall Organizer Tutorial

Hello ! I'm Loli and today I'm happy because I'm going to show you a nice and simple tutorial. How hard to write a post after Don Terrenal wrote, no?

Wall Organizer Tutorial

It's been a while since I wanted a wall organizer for my desk like this, this or this one. So I started to investigate with what material I could imitate them. So I found the "mesh gap" which is a material used in construction. I looked for prices online and also went through some corralones. I found out that they sell it by 2x5 meter roll and although there are other measures, the one I used is 15x15 (the separation of the squares and 6mm thick.) The price varies a lot but goes from $ 300 to $ 600 for 5 meters. My idea at first was to buy a roll and make several, give one, make one for my workshop, one for the kitchen and one for the children's desk If you like the idea, you can also ask if they have any interested friends Finally the architect who built our house came to visit and I happened to ask her in a couple of hours I had my mesh cut to the extent that I wanted (1x1 meter) and everything.Thanks Silvia! You're a genius! Another friend suggested asking me about the construction work in my neighborhood, which is also an excellent option, they always have pieces left over.

Wall Organizer Tutorial

If you choose the option to buy the roll then you can cut it with a jigsaw and a hacksaw. I did it to cut some ends that were uneven. As long as they know how to use these types of tools and take the necessary safety precautions. But #bull #nove # dad #amigovio no?

Wall Organizer Tutorial

Once we have the cut mesh of the size we want, we will paint with spray. I used the color "deep ocean" of Rustoleum (which is my favorite color) but I also thought to use a copper color that looks so cute. I am far from being an expert in spray painting but it is so easy that anyone can do it. I used almost an entire spray but I'm sure someone with more experience than I could do with less.

I painted it on both sides to make it more neat . We let it dry. The spray paint dries quite fast; unless it happens to them like me and it's a wet and rainy week: (

Wall Organizer Tutorial

After I finished my organizer, I discovered in Mercado Libre some blacksmiths mesh that are called Job Shop that have 5x5 squares and are cheaper.
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